My last blog was a letter to You. Here’s one to Me, except this one is to the Me just starting out on (what I thought was) the path to my dreams.

Dear Me,

Don’t worry about it.

The doors of opportunity not budging open, no matter how hard you push, not even an inch? It’s ok. Some doors are meant to open, some are meant to stay closed.

Trying to get in with the people who might be able to help you somehow? Doesn’t work. People will say it does, but those are the same people who are trying to do it themselves. You don’t want to be that guy.

Worried about being alone, as you spend your solitary nights watching the rain make its way down the glass that separates you from the outside world? Embrace it. Those are the times to work on your craft and get to know what you’re really about and who you really are. If you do, you will become comfortable with your own silence, which is one of the great secrets to having a deep, and meaningful life.

Not sure if you’re even doing the right thing, because you’re struggling while everyone else seems to have their shit together? They don’t. They have the same problems as you, they just call them by different names and try their best to hide them from everybody else. Sooner or later those problems come to the surface for everyone. It’s how you’ll handle your own that will make the difference.

You could be better about expressing yourself truthfully and not just saying what you think people want to hear. You’re not a liar by nature but there’s probably a three year period in your twenties when you try to play the game because you think everybody else is getting ahead by that kind of hustling. Don’t do it. It’s silly and authentic people see through it.

But you do end up doing a pretty good job of looking out for the other guy. Keep it up.

And take yourself a little less seriously. Your time here is precious, so don’t waste it on small dramas. Laugh more and go to more movies, even if it’s by yourself.

Focus more on doing beautiful things, less on asking people to look at or listen to what you’ve done. They will come around in time. Maybe not within your supposed timeline, but in time.

There really isn’t one path to your dreams, and your dreams aren’t even the right thing for you. That sounds crazy, I know, but what you think you want and what you need are two totally different things. When things aren’t working out, understand that those times are life’s way of wanting to take you by the hand and lead you down your own path of meaning and significance and beauty. Take her hand and let her lead.

Most of these lessons you’re going to learn anyway, but I thought I’d try to save you some sweet, sweet, irretrievable time. Because this moment now is all you really have.

The next moments? They will fall into place.

So hang in there.

And don’t worry about it.

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